Our systems are easily integrated with many other systems.
Information screens
Shows who is in the facility and when the person arrived. Can be used with most smart devices.

Integrations with HIT VMS using FoxSec Web.
- Live playback
- Playback video from archive
- Integration with Hikvision and Dahua NVR
- Facial recognition
Integration with Axxon software using FoxSec Web
- Live playback
- Playback video from archive
- Battery powered
- Can be fitted to most mechanical lock cases
- No wiring to the door
- Simple to install
- Provides card reader and wireless transceiver
- Suits best if there is not possible to run wires from doors
Car number plate recognition
- Integration using WEB or LITE software
- Integrated car registration numbers with FoxSec access control application
- Works just like regular access cards
- Reg. numbers are inserted into software
- ANPR engine on board with worldwide countries
- PC needed only for configuration
- Range 3.5-25m
Sports club ticketing
- Same card readers used for employees and guests. Internet booking system, allowing customers to register themselves for group training and administration has the ability to check reservations and the use of rooms.
Theater management
- On-line bookings – reminders, cancellations, booking history
- Detailed event planning, activity plans, output to excel
- Troupe and staff weekly schedules, resource conflict notifications
- Private calendar synchronization, instant schedules at corridors, SMS notifications of changes
- Work-time management and payout reports
Bacnet protocol
BACnet (Building and Control Network) is the global data communication standard for building automation and control networks. Hardmeier OÜ Vendor ID 504
Services that FoxSec supports:
- “I have”
- “Read Property”
- “Read Property Multiple”
- “Write Property”
- “Get Alarm Summary”
Car park management
- Shows the number of free parking spaces
- Allows in/out registration
- Compatible with Web and Smart Pass software
Coffee cups counting
- Counts coffee cups or other drinks used for each user
- Export reports to Excel
Rubbish container access system
- Allows the waste disposal company to administer multiple systems
- Shows the status of the bins and send an alarm to the waste disposal company on configured occasions
- Deny access to strangers and third parties
Electrostatic discharge testing
- Allows access after the electrostatic discharge test is passed.
HR Integration
- Import new users and synchronize data every night from HR(LDAP or CSV) to FoxSec users database. Compatible with FoxSec Web software.
Meeting room reservation management
- Based on visitor registration module which sends QR code that is valid only between specified timeframe
- Room owner also has ability to make meeting room reservations through FoxSec API
School lunch reservation
- Students show access card to specific reader about lunch reservation
- InPlace screen shows student names who reserved lunch
- When students come to eat, they show card access card again and their name disappear from InPlace screen
Breathalyzer integration
- Allows access by turnstile only if Breathalyzer test is passed